Serenbe Stories

Nature Vibes: Redefining the Music Industry with Jason Geter

Serenbe / Jason Geter Season 5 Episode 3

Today we have resident Jason Geter, who is the co-founder of Grand Hustle Records and most recently, Heavy Sound Labs that is a music incubator for emerging artists. We talk about removing the gatekeeper model in music, finding creativity in nature and how a serendipitous golf cart ride made his move to Serenbe a no brainer. 

A natural leader, Jason Geter embraces the blue collar intersection of music, art, fashion, technology, and sweat equity, taking cast-off remnants and reimagining them as brands that could only exist today. Jason, a serial entrepreneur and investor, is the founder of Heavy Sound Labs and Strivers Row, a lifestyle brand; co-founder of Grand Hustle, AKOO, and Hustle Gang Apparel; co-owner of All Def Digital; and advisor to several multimedia artists and brands. Through his venture Grand Hustle, he’s had the pleasure of launching the careers of acts such as T.I., Travis Scott, Killer Mike, B.O.B., Iggy Azalea, DJ Drama, Young Dro, and more. Geter has even had the honor of managing the solo career of Big Boi, of the legendary Outkast, and co-producing the #1 premiering film Takers.

Jason’s partnerships are effortless because of his culture of innovation, superior product development capabilities, integrated multichannel infrastructure, and significant scale to offer an unmatched combination of authenticity, quality, and value. In a world guided by focus groups and facts, Jason admires those inspired spirits who believe that ideas of the future don’t exist in the past. Jason is dedicated to curating a global lifestyle, leveraging his core capabilities to innovate, curate, and integrate new businesses.

Hey guys, it's Monica here. I wanted to tell you about a new podcast that I've started with my very good friend, Jennifer Walsh called Biophilic Solutions. Our last season of Serenbe Stories, building a biophilic movement was so popular that we decided to dedicate an entire podcast to it every other week. Jennifer and I will sit down with leaders in the growing field of biophilia. We'll talk about local and global solutions to help nurture the living social and economic systems that we all need to sustain future generations more often than not. Nature has the answers. You can find biophilic solutions on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts, subscribe and follow us today. So you don't miss an episode. Alright, now let's go back to Serenbe Stories. 

Monica (2s): 
Today we have resident Jason Geter, who is the co-founder of Grand Hustle Records and most recently, Heavy Sound Labs, which is a music incubator for emerging artists. We talk about removing the gatekeeper model in music, finding creativity in nature and how a serendipitous gold cart made his move to Serenbe a no brainer. 

Jason (22s): 
We’re driving, we’re talking to Ms. Pat, great conversation, and next thing you know, Ms. Pat beat sores, and she has us in her house, you know, and we’re in her home and she’s showing us, and you know, this conversation totally was like the mail and a call and like, okay, now we’ve got to figure this out. 

Monica (43s): 
Alright so I want to welcome everybody to Serenbe Stories. Today we have Jason Geter. Jason Geter is a resident who has lived down here for just a little bit of time. So welcome Jason, how are you? 

I’m good. Thanks for having me. I’m happy to be here. 

I’m glad you can join us this afternoon’s conversation. 

Yeah. I’m excited man. I’m excited to get the puck with you Steve. 

Monica (1m 4s): 
One of the things with this season, we’re interviewing all residents, is we want to find out sort of upfront how’d you find out about Serenbe and what led you to making the move here? Because we know that is a part-time home for you. Give us, give us your Serenbe Story. 

Jason (1m 20s): 
So my mother originally introduced me to Serenbe. Yeah, and this is probably 15 years ago, you know? This was like, yeah, this was really early. So I’m actually from-from far right not knowing you guys, but I’ve seen the progress happened over this span of say 15 years, you know, now, and my mother, her name is Lucy, she’s into gardening and, you know, sustainable real estate and, you know, things of that nature. So when she learned about the community, she said, “Hey, I want you to come out here with me to check out this community.” You know? So I kinda pretty much just drove my mom down here, you know, just to show her what she was reading about, you know? 

Jason (2m 1s): 
And, and I actually kept coming back after that because I really like, you know, trails, you know, just walking in the woods. That’s something that, you know, I’m from the entertainment space. So it’s very, you know, loud, you know, high energy, you know, and I like just kinda getting lost for a second, you know, in that way. So to me, the setup was just great being that, you know, I can come down, take a, take a hike or walk and then grab something to eat and then leave, you know? And I did that for years. And over these years, I’m watching this dream, which I thought was very, was very ambitious. You know, when I, when I learned the story, I was like, wow, this is, you know, this is pretty ambitious. You know, I had known about other communities that, you know, they had attempted, you know, things, and we know that it’s hard to build, you know, so, you know, salutes you, Steve coming into this. 

Steve (3m 0s): 
It’s people like you, who could see what we were doing and appreciate the connection to nature and other people. So if you and others haven't shown up, this dream wouldn’t be happening.

Yeah, and we really say that it is the people. I mean, Steve has created a platform and a beautiful, beautiful platform at that and like an inspired one, but the people who are showing up or what makes the community, and that’s sort of been really what I think keeps everybody connected and the glue kind of part of it. So you walk the trails, you hang out with your mom, you came for years, but then what made you think, “Ah,” you know what? Maybe I need, maybe I need a little piece of that nature in my life on a permanent basis.”

Jason (3m 44s): 
Honestly, I always kind of felt like I wanted to get a place, but I was young, you know? So I just always felt like that was a reality too, right? Like, Hey, at some point, at the right time, I’m going to probably get a place here, you know? If I was smart, I would’ve, I would’ve got a lot. 

10 years ago. 

But….. and, and really, truly outside of this story, you know, me and my fiance, Stephanie, she-she’s from San Diego, west coast, lived in LA. So she moved to Atlanta, you know, and wasn’t familiar with Serenbe. So I brought her down and introduced her to what I wanted her to see, what I saw. And I thought that she would like it as well, you know? So we came down, and we went on a, on, on a tour you guys had like a home tour? You know, came down, we went on this tour, and best thing about this tour was at the end of the tour, you know, literally like the tour was over and Ms. Pat driving us on a golf cart back to our car. But as we’re driving, we’re talking to Ms. Pat, great conversation, and next thing you know, Ms. Pat beat sores, and she has us in her house, you know, in her home, and she’s showing us and, and you know, this conversation totally was like the mail and a call. 

Jason (5m 14s): 
And like, you know, like we’ve got to figure this out, you know? And from there, you know, of course she introduced us to Reyna, you know, and we went on a tour and it was like a no brainer, you know? Stephanie, she, she felt the same way that I felt, you know, the same energy that I felt, you know, and it was a no brainer. So we purchased, I guess the end of 19-19, in November of 2019. We actually had a place in, in New York as well. So we were, you know, back and forth and really hadn’t had an opportunity to stay until the pandemic hit, you know? 

Monica & Jason: 
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 

Monica (5m 50s): 
That sounds like the best of both worlds. A little bit of New York, a little bit of Atlanta, and a little bit of Serenbe. 

Yeah, yeah, until the pandemic hit and New York had to go. 

Oh, then yeah, then you were like “I’m out of New York.” I was going to say, did Ms. Pat give you any, did she have any pound cake? Cause that is really the deal too—

Listen, listen… Ms. Pat, Ms. Pat promised me that she was going to make us a pound cake if we purchased the place. 

And she has, has she done it?

All I’m saying is that I haven’t got my pound cake yet. 

Okay well—

We haven’t had a pound cake yet, that’s all I’m saying. 

Okay we are putting Ms. Pat on air here. 


Monica (6m 24s): 
That’s awesome. Well Reyna sold me our house as well. So back in, we bought back in, gosh, 2009, I think Steve. Wooo. <inaudible> Exactly, so that’s interesting. So the pandemic hit last March-ish, and did you guys come down immediately? Or was it more like get out of Dodge? Or was it—were you guys like, “Oh, this is a great escape for, for, for times.” 

Jason (6m 50s): 
Yeah. The pandemic hit, and, and by that time we had pretty much, you know, took some time of course getting some furniture and all of that stuff, you know, by that time luckily for us, like we had already at least had furniture, right? So 

Just need a bed. 

Yeah, yeah. So I was like, “Okay, I deal now, let’s go down here now.” You know, and we went down and, you know, of course we’d started staying in throughout the entire pandemic. That was the first time I had not traveled, you know, in this amount of time, right? You know, like outside of the, you know, the state or whatever, you know, but throughout the pandemic, we pretty much just been going back and forth between main place, Cosheston Park and Serenbe, you know, and it’s been great, you know, and like I said, you know, you see the pros and cons, you see the difference in your lifestyle, you know, you definitely notice things. 

Monica (7m 42s): 
Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely. What do you think, you know, over the time here, you know, what do you think has been the most interesting thing to see of any changes of kind of what you, maybe, expected Serenbe to be? And like what it kind of has been to you this year?

Jason (8m 0s): 
Hmm, good question. I think I’ll say this, right? You know, I feel like, I feel like it’s good balance and balance within a community from the aspect of, you know, you have community. So you do know people, you know, and, but my experience so far, which I was questionable of was how, how nosy would some people become in a sense, you know, and just, you know, being transparent because I don't live in a subdivision, you know, in my main place I’ve lived in subdivision before in the past, you know. 

Jason (8m 45s): 
And I didn’t like living in subdivisions, you know, just because it just felt like “Ahh, it’s too much,” you know, just give me my own space. You know? So therefore of course you look at Serenbe, it’s a great footprint, large community, but then, you know, that was my question was like, you know, it’s like in a way, like, will it be too much? You know? And I can say that, I think that pleasantly, I feel like, you know, I haven’t felt that way yet. You know, I think people are great, you know, and you know, it is America, right? Whereas some people are nicer and some people would just say, you know, keep it going. But, you know, I think it’s a good balance, whereas it’s not too much for me, you know?

Monica (9m 23s): 
Yeah. I think we like to, you know, a lot of times in the press, people will say that it’s this new utopia or this paradise or all these things. And I think the nature aspect-aspect of it is-is-is partly what people are reacting to. And then, obviously the architecture is beautiful, but we really try to say like, there is no such thing as a utopia, and this is just a regular neighborhood in the sense that regular people have all the same kind of stuff that you’re gonna find anywhere, you know? It’s-it’s more the opportunity to connect with the people is unique right? That’s the difference is that you actually can have that relationship if you want to, but it’s a little bit of what Steve always says, right? You know, like you can walk out your front door and be with everybody or go out your back door and be by yourself. 

Jason (10m 17s): 
Hahaha, that’s a good one. 

Yeah, so you can kind of find that place. 

Steve (10m 20s): 
A lot of options. So, it depends on what mood you’re in that day. Or sometimes for a couple, there’s one, one person in the couple goes out the front door all the time and the other out the back door all the time, you know, and you have that option where generally you have to choose one and drive to the other. 

Yeah, yeah, yeah. 

The beauty of it. And I, and I think that’s the nice thing too, is that you can have these relationships that maybe aren’t like Ms. Pat, for instance, right? You know, she’s a retiree and you know, you and I like your-your child is younger than might be like, you know, we might be sort of like, sort of, kind of forced into these, like relationships only with parents or only with, you know, families. And so you have this opportunity, which I found really great is to have, you know, friends who were single and who were boomers or retirees or younger and with kids without. So that’s been, I think it’s one of the benefits. 

Jason (11m 17s): 
Yeah. I think it’s really interesting, right? Because I’m from New York city, you know, so I grew up in Brooklyn and the Bronx and then Montclair, New Jersey, you know, but I grew up in cities and aspect of there was community, you know, and Melvin and neighbors and corner stores and, you know, and things of that. So, you know, ever since I’ve moved to Atlanta, you really lose that because everything is door to door, driving down, you know, so sure, I have neighbors. I really only know like one of my neighbors.

No, I know. Yeah. 

So you know….. 

How many of your neighbors in Serene do you know? 

Jason (11m 54s): 
Yeah. I mean, my neighbors in Serenbe and I’ve only been-–I’ve been here 15 years. I know one neighbor I’ve been there for one year, and I know quite a few neighbors, you know, quite a few neighbors, you know? So, I mean, I think that that is a great benefit. And I believe that in today’s world, you know, once you visit, I think, like you said, people will use utopia and all of this stuff because it is a little dreamy. Like—-

That’s good. I like, I like dreamy. That’s nice. I like that. 

Steve (12m 24s): 
When I think about, and, and, and you really look, there’s not a lot about Serenbe that’s different from communities maybe a hundred years ago, community nature, you know, you had a reality that was probably on the farm. If you weren't growing up there yourself, you know, even though hard work, but it, it was just a different place. And now, so, same characteristics are defined as utopias or dreamy or unrealistic, and I think that’s sad that we’ve moved that far away from some of those just basic things. 

Jason (13m 5s): 
Yeah. I totally agree with you. I agree with you a million percent, you know, I think is sad that kids can’t go outside and play on their own a little bit. You know? That’s—that’s really sad. I have a 12 year old son, you know, I have a little daughter, like, you know, just that reality that. Wow. Like I could go outside when I– when I was younger all day and, you know, spend all day outside with my friends and have fun. And we know that there’s certain things that you really truly need to learn. You know, how to govern yourselves a little bit. One-on-one, you know, I think there—there are a lot of social skills that kids are missing out on because of the lack of that. 

Steve (13m 42s): 
Well, and that's what Richard Luke's book is all about. Last Child in the Woods, because there is some of the actual brain development. And I think the sad thing too is, you know, it's, it's not uncommon for me to be outside and somebody will pull up this visit and say, ah, there–there's four or five, eight year olds down there. I don't see any adults. You better check. Yeah. Those are free range kids, you know? That’s strange. 


Monica (14m 14s):  
Yeah. And I think there's unexpected when people are walking around and they're new to Serenbe, these unexpected sites, you know, throw them off and they may harken back to their, how they grew up or they think, you know, it can't be real, hence the whole back to the whole utopia, but I'm going to use dreamy. I like that really good one. Jas—Jason, tell us a little bit about your background. So you grew up in Brooklyn, it sounds like your fiance is in LA. Did you spend time out there or did you go straight from New York to Atlanta? Tell us how you got here and what, what's your kind of arc, your professional arc.

Jason (14m 52s): 
Got you. So I went to, I graduated from Montclair High School in Montclair,  New Jersey. I had a very ambitious mother, you know, born in Brooklyn, parents enforced and got a divorce when I was young. My dad, he stayed in Brooklyn though. You know? So he, the place that I was born, Easton Parkway between Washington and Underhill, for anyone who knows. Right across the street from the Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn Botanical Park, the Brooklyn library. So, you know, 


Literally as a kid, you know, this is where I would play at, I would play hide and seek with my friends and these places.

Yeah, that’s cool. 

Jason (15m 34s):
And that was just, you know, cool. But at the same time, my mother, her side of the family's from Augusta Georgia. So I spent time, you know, summers and stuff like that, going to Augusta. So I've always kind of had a good balance, you know, for the most part, fast forward in high school, I started interning at Arista Records which is, you know, a big record label. Clive Davis was running the label at the time. And they distributed brands like my face records out of Atlanta, Bad Boy. And I had already, cause my father was, like, into music and collected vinyl and things of that nature. So I was always, you know, grew up in some music and got an internship. Like, let me see if this is something that I think that I can actually do for a profession. 

Jasion (16m 19s): 
So got out of school, got out of high school, went to college, went to college for a year in Hampton, Virginia, Hampton University. And, and you know, it was like, my heart was there physically, but my heart wasn't there. You know, I already knew what I wanted to do. So I literally stopped going to school, dropped out of school and gave myself like a window. And I said, Hey, you know, I'm going to go after my dreams on music for the next X amount of time. And if it doesn't work by this age, I'm going to go back to school, you know, and just finished school and came to Atlanta, came to a studio called Patchwerk Recording Studios, which is, it’s been in business for, I believe, like 25 years now. This was like one of the original premier Hip Hop Studios in Atlanta and started working there and discovered a young artist, ATI and put the other demo tape and got into business, you know, at a very young age, you know, built the company. Thank you. Booking company, grand hustle records, Travis Scott, Iggy Azalea, Bob, Mike, you know, work with a lot of great artists and also just diversifying, going to content, producing films and television shows, and also went into Colton space as well.

Jason (17m 44s): 
And I mean, just, I was all over the place at this point, honestly. 

That’s great!

A lot of other things, but you know, for me, I just always say, I just want to do things that I enjoy doing that are really kind of like lifestyle. So, you know, it doesn't feel like work because I work a lot. I work a lot, but it all gives me joy and pleasure. So I don't feel the pain at all.

Well, it sounds like a lot of curiosity. 


You know—

Definitely, There’s a lot of, a lot of, I want to do it again. Okay. Like you said, let me come over here and try to build something else. You know, that part is, is like a, it's like an adrenaline rush, to be honest, you know, to have an idea, to put the idea on paper, the stone in paper and actually see it through to build, you know, so that's another reason why, you know, Serenbe would be like just a story. You know, just the story is incredible to me because I like to build, I like to build culture. I like to build community. You know, I like to build brands obviously. And you know, you know, it's not an easy thing to do, you know? So, you know, anytime you've done it before you respect anybody else's efforts at doing it, you know?

Monica (18m 50s): 
Yeah.  Well, and tell us, cause, cause I know that I think the first time I met you, I ran into you on the street with Garney and you were here. If we can talk about that, right. You, you had created an a, is it a company, a label called Heavy Sound Labs and you tell me, cause I'm not, I don't, you know, I'm not totally know, but, and, and you had done a retreat, so like tell us a little bit about Heavy, how that came to be, what that vision is and then what you did at Serenbe. Cause I was so compelled by that concept.

Jason (19m 26s): 
Oh, thank you. So Heavy Sound Labs. This is this, you know, was it thought that I had created an online record label in the sense, you know, whereas I felt like, and this is the flame part is this was even pre-pandemic. You know? So my thinking that, you know, everyone's in the music space, everything is digital now, you know, then services, you know, so I said, Hey, let me, like in this day and age, discover artists online predominantly, I won't say predominantly, you know, and started doing this. And it was gonna, I initially watched this at south by Southwest, I guess Mark Show—

Last year? 

Yes, Mark Show March of last year. Yeah. And I'm, of course, pandemic hit. So it didn't happen that way, but I still watched the company and I partnered with five artists, you know, throughout the pandemic so far, you know, and I hadn't met these artists at all in person, you know, and for me spending in Serenbe like, it's, once again, it's just nature energy. It's just induceful life for like creativity, for me, you know? And the feelings that I felt, I kept saying like, man, like I want other people to feel this, but I feel like, wow, like, you know, like I feel this energy of creating and you know, I was kind of also cabin fever, not traveling, not going anywhere. Right? 

Jason (20m 56s): 
So also get a little bored, you know? So I said, Hey, it would be really cool to do a retreat here, you know, bring down these artists that I haven't gotten a chance to meet in person yet of course, doing the safe way everyone gets the COVID says, you know, before. And then when everyone got here, we also did COVID testing on a spot as well. You know? And that's something I was very happy for during this time that, you know, we, we spent the week together and no one, not one case of COVID, you know, happened. 

Yeah that is. 

Yeah. That was really good. 

That’s a testament. 

Everyone made it home. And you know, people traveled from Boston, from Miami, from Louisiana and New Orleans and from New Jersey, you know, down to spend a week together. And we just spent a week just kind of getting to know each other and I set up two studios and in Hawthorne and, and

I love that. 

Oh yeah! You know I—

And those are our conference rooms in The Inn you’re talking about. That’s awesome. 

Jason (21m 52s): 
Yeah, so we were recording music and it was so funny because literally it was such two vibes. Like when you listen to the music that was recorded in the Magnolia, it's like laid back and—


Yeah, seriously, it's like laid back and it's just kind of very soulful. And then the music in Hawthorne is like more party-ish

No way! That’s so interesting. 

Jason (22m 16s): 
Yes, it was very interesting. You know, I’m—

That's so fascinating. And how did you pull the artists in? Did you do a call out? Or had they already approached you? Like, how did you curate that group of people?

So what I did is I created a website. I created a website and I pretty much set up a template questionnaire, you know? So if you were an artist, you can fill out a questionnaire. And I, you know, I had a round one which asks you basic questions, your social media, you know, your numbers, things like that. So we can check on you and most people didn't make it past round one. And then if you made it to round two, the questions got a little more deeper, psychological kind of questions. And if you've made it past that we got on the line, we did a zoom kind of calling and chatting with each other, you know, and then we onboarded them, you know? So we actually saw about 1200 artists to get to the five arts. 

Oh my God! Are you kidding me? 

Not at all.


Jason (23m 18s):  
Yeah. So we saw about 1200 plus artists, you know, to get to five artists, you know, so yeah—

That’s amazing. 

Are you gonna repeat this? 

Yeah! I definitely want to repeat it. I definitely want to repeat it. You know, I learned a lot. I learned that you know, about how to do it  better, you know, and I'm excited about repeating it for real. Cause I think that now we're prepared to do it in a better-smarter way.

Monica (23m 44s): 
Did each of those artists walk away with a contract? Or how did that, how does that work? Or was it more of just bringing people together for community?

Well, I, I signed these guys before they came so that was how—-

Ah, okay, okay, cool. I was like, how does it work? 

I’ve only brought down guys that had contracts. 

Okay, okay, cool. 

Jason (24m 1s): 
Yes. So during the time here, we documented it. You know, we had a camera crew, documenting ourselves out and we recorded this music and we’re going to release it all. You know. 

Yeah. I saw that on the mini trailer. The little sort of mini documentary. 


Can you talk about that at all? Or…. 

Oh yeah sure. We're still actually kind of reworking it honestly, you know? Yeah. So I, I literally just wanted to do it over it a little different because we have some interests from, from our one at Italian agencies were trying to shop it to, you know,  Netflix and Amazon prime. So those guys, because I want to go big before I just, you know, go YouTube. Monica (24m 37s): Yeah, yeah. Exactly. Because I know it sounds like a fun story, you know, story arc, each of those individual artists, I bet have wonderful stories to tell too. 

They had a great experience. You know, those guys were so excited. It was great. You know, so a couple of them had never even gotten on an airplane before. 

Oh, that's amazing. That's amazing. And so then, so there's, so now they're part of your label. And so that obviously you're probably signing people left and right in other places, but like, are you then are people finding you through that experience has like word traveled through that? Just sort of as a, you know, as you're building the community and the brand, I would assume that that sort of sends ripples out.

Jason (25m 18s); 
Sure. That sends ripples out. And I actually, you know, it's funny cause it's done Regan yet, but literally next week we're relaunching a website. So I'm actually doing away with that, that phase of anyone can apply because clearly the numbers just aren't…

Yeah, higher crew, people—

Exactly. Just to, we do all of the, you know, in that sense, you know, so it was a good experience to do it, especially during a pandemic, you know, when we had a lot of times just downtown sitting around at home, but you know, it's not sustainable for real. So what I am doing is I am going to continue doing retreats and things like that because I've always done those retreats, you know, recording and going to different studios and going to different, you know, going to Hawaii,  and London. Yeah, different places to record, you know, I've just never done it in this way, right? And in Serenbe in the woods and, you know yeah. 


Yeah. But the energy to me, I believe that isolation breeds innovation, you know, you're trying to create a, is go away and leave all of your real life realities outside and just focus on, you know, what’s the task at hand. You know,

Monica (26m 33s): 
I love it. Yeah, definitely. I have fantasies of a, you know, a podcast studio that could be a shared resource here. So maybe we needed it to be a whole sound studio where people can come and collaborate and stuff. I just think there's such an opportunity to you're right. Like get people in a little bit of a different of a head space by being in nature. And then that collaboration of just sort of different minds always brings out something really beautiful on the backend.

Jason (27m 1s): 
That's how great things are created. There's a book on that whole concept called Deep Work. 

Deep Work. 

Yeah. I don't know the author's name off hand, but it's a book that I read called Deep Work and I need to talk about, you know, it, time is when Edgar Allen poll and you know, and people just kinda go away and lock themselves in a cabin. Right. You know, to create a body of work that's going to last for hundreds of years. So you spend three months, you know, just going in really deep, you know, and this idea, but it lasts for like lifetimes.

Monica (27m 33s): 
No, I absolutely love that. What, so what's sort of next for heavy labs. I've see that you're going to redo the website. You're rethinking how sort of this, I don't know if you call it an application process or, you know, sort of the, the curation is, is, is gonna be a little different. What do you, what are your goals for 2021? 

You know, working with artists is always a process. You know, it's kind of, for me personally, I don't really like the rush to process too much, you know, because you can't really cheat the process. It's kind of like, yeah, you can't really rush it. So for, for these artists, we're putting out projects with what now music for having sound were creating more platforms, you know, for creatives in general, you know, I'm a partner in all Def digital or digital's actually the largest African-American owned content publisher on YouTube and Facebook, you know? So yeah.

Oh, wow. 

Yes, so pretty, pretty massive, you know, audience about 20 million subscribers collectively, you know, so on all deaf, we have different shows. You know, we have different shows and the business over there is, you know, ad, you know, ads and sponsored campaigns, you know, for Heavy Sound, we're going to produce a lot of shows that we can plug into that system as well, you know, so… 

Yeah. That makes sense. We can have your network. 

Jason (29m 2s): 
I mean, that’s really the goal. 

Yeah, why not. You know, my kids are always telling me about, like, I know one of them just signed up for, I don’t even know Nebula in Ca- something that’s like some sort of YouTuber Streaming TV, something, I have no idea. 

That sounds like something…. In Nebula?

I’ll have to ask him, but it’s like Nebula or something. And it’s all our curiosity stream. Maybe it’s a combo and it’s all sort of YouTubers are doing sort of like mini documentaries, the YouTube stars because they wanted to leave the YouTube platform for all the reasons that we know and sort of her creating this. So he was very excited. With his own money bought a $15 subscription for the year.

15 a year? That’s a good number. 

With a coupon code!

Okay. Okay. That’s good. With a coupon code. 

Monica (29m 59s): 
Yeah, yeah. 

Yeah, it’s amazing though. Just in that space, like so much is happening right now. So, you know, I see a point, trust me, I’m all in there. You know, because now it’s definitely all about, you know, niche platforms for real <inaudible>

Yeah. Definitely

Yeah, we’re, like, answering the next phase of, like, social media and YouTube and everything whereas, you know, people will pay for an isolated, like premium conversation. 

Definitely. Are you on Clubhouse? 

Yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 

Monica (30m 24s): 
Mrs. Steve, I just got you on yesterday. Didn’t I have you been on again? 

Yesh, yeah. I don’t have time. I mean, I see of these chats going on and I’m like, “I am in a meeting, not in a zoom call.”


Yeah. Well maybe, maybe we’ll have to create a room together. The three of us we'll see… 

That’d be good. That’d be good. 

Talk about creativity and deep work. 

Jason (30m 44s):
I have a—I have a house on Clubhouse called Heavy House.

You do!?

Yes. It’s called Heavy House. Check it out. 

Monica: Oh, I’m gonna join it, if I can join it. If you accept me into your house. 

Jason: Please come through. Please 

Monica: Awesome, yeah, yeah, yeah. I told Steve he needed to get on cause there are, I mean, there’s a lotta hustle on there. 

Jason: Of course. 

But I think that’s anywhere, but there’s a lot of incredible content and I’ve been fascinated with all of the green sustainable, like Steve I tag, anyway, like I tagged Steve on a project, draw down, a talk that’s thought. I just think there’s a lot of opportunity, especially it’s sort of a, it’s sort of a closed space right now to really have some deep conversation around common purpose. 

Jason (31m 26s): 
Listen, I agree a million percent. I’ve been on for quite a while. I’ve been on since the summertime. 

Oh, your early days?

Yes, I was a little early. 

You were an influencer. 

I’ve seen it, kind of what now, to the point of now, like you said, I’ll say to anyone it’s so much on there now don’t get turned off by, you know, the things that you don’t like, because there’s definitely some great conversation that take place on it, you know, and it’s also such a great way to network through. We can have a conversation and someone from South Korea is on and someone from LA is on and you know, and all these people were in the same room, you know, which is very good. 

Yeah. It, it, it is very powerful and I can’t, I can’t quite explain how except you just got of sort dig in and spend some time there and find the right conversation to listen to it. I felt like the first couple of weeks I spent, it was just like a masterclass, you know, of knowledge. 

Yeah, yeah.


Jason (32m 26s):
That’s, that’s to me what it’s kind of like when you catch a good room, it’s like an interactive podcast, right? How to build this, but like we’re engaged.
Monica: Yeah, yeah. You can try  and raise your hand and get in the conversation. I love it. That’s cool. Do you see, like with Heavy, like having that label, that-that is predominantly an online label, like really changing the marketplace? Like, do you feel like you were one of the first as somebody who doesn’t know the mark-the music industry that well, like, is that like, is that the future?

Jason (32m 59s): 
I think it is the future, you know, nowadays, it’s the present and future, right? You know, you had Distro, Kid, Tomb, Quarters, or Big Distribution companies, you know, so they really changed the game. Once distribution went digital, they just changed the game for real. So at that point, any kid could go from, “Hey, I just made a song in my room,” to, “Hey, let me upload this right now and pay whatever it is price.” And they're going to distribute my record. Maybe I paid them up front and I paid them on the backend, but they're now scheduled it out. And two weeks from now my records on Spotify and this one has the music, it's just right.

It’s wild. Wild. 

It’s just as simple, you know? So now that's the do it yourself segment of the music business, which is now outpacing in bro, any other segment of the music business, which would be the majors or, you know, the independent level. 


Technology has made everything so accessible. You know, that the market is truly flooded because everyone's doing it. So it's so easy. So stainable, so it's truly really flooded, but that really creates more, more value for artists, developers, for companies that develop ours. You know, so for me, that's something that I've always done. Every artist that I've had success. When Travis Scott assigned with me, he only had 500 views on YouTube.

Jason (34m 26s): 
So some of these artists that I've signed have all been from infancy for real, you know, and then I gained some traction and obviously some value. And then I took them to the major record label, you know, in like 50, 50 ventures and things of that nature with the record labels. So, you know, now there's so many artists out here, you know, value for artists, developers just kinda, truly, because major labels, they possibly don't have the time and the capacity to be in a development business anymore. You know, so that's really what I saw was like, Hey, the opportunities here, you know, I'm not necessarily, I'm looking to, you know, grow artists for two years. So to say, but I'm looking more, so with having sound labs to create this as a new age incubator, in a sense, you know, whereas I find an artist early, I developed them show some traction partner with the major label and then I can kinda go on and do its own thing a little bit. Monica (35m 29s): Yeah. There's a lot of joy in that discovery and giving people those opportunities and really nurturing them is kind of really, really fabulous. 

And for me, that's the reality. I really looked and said, “What, what part of the business do I really enjoy the most?” You know, honestly, I don't, I really don't like going to award shows and you know, this is really not my thing. You know, like—


Like I don't like that part so much, you know, like you said, I really like kind of creating and helping the artists figure some things out with their sound, their image, their work, their marketing, you know? And so that, you know, in the beginning, artists come about and they're fans of other artists, you know, they have remnants of like four different people, you know, and these are their favorite artists that they're all influenced by. And you've got to really kind of figure out how to shape those—


Bullets and, you know, have your own voice for it. 


And also that's the part that I really like the most. 

Monica (36m 23s): 
I love that. It’s a two way relationship versus going to an award show is a one-way. You know? There's no. I mean, you know, maybe you get back whatever you get back something, but it's not, in the moment. 


You know, give and take enjoy. 

As I say, it gets Hollywood. 

Hollywood is a lot of fun, we love shiny things. But you know, I don't know how much….That doesn't probably fill you long-term I would guess no offense to Hollywood. 

Jason (36m 57s): 
No offense. 

No offense, but so tell us what is one of the, kind of like the last things I like to ask people is, you know, what's sort of your special place is Serenbe, or sort of, I don't want to say secret place, cause we don't want anybody, but like, what's your, like, what's your undiscovered Serenbe that you want to share with people that you're like, maybe people don't know. Doesn't have to be a place, it could just be a thought or a feeling or a meal, even like, what's your kind of, if you're coming down, this is what you should do? 

If you’re coming down, this is what you should do. I'll say this. I'll say, if you're coming down to Serenbe, you should do three things. 


You should start, you should go and see Matt at the Daisy and get the turkey Rachel. And you can order that. And while they're making it, you shoot over the bamboo and get a nice vanilla mint or maybe you'd have the strawberry one in the right season 

If it's the right season. 

Jason (37m 59s): 
If it’s the right season. Right? You know, and then you can shoot back over to Daisy and pick up your sandwich and then you can walk and you can walk the trail from the parking lot to Steve asked you about, you had a name for this area before, and I forget what you called it. I said, it's like the living room, a green-green box. 

Steve (38m 22s): 
That’s right. We call it a function room. 

A function room. Yeah, then you would take a walk to the function room and lay on the grass and eat your lunch. You know—

I love it. 

And then from there you walk on, and walk the trail and it gives you some exercise, some fresh air.

Perfect. Is there anything else you want to share with us? We didn't touch on or….

No, I think it was a good conversation. 


Good on my side.

Thank you, Jason. This has been delightful. I look forward to, like, running into you on the street and walking the trails with you and learning more about your life. 

Jason (38m 53s): 
Likewise. Likewise. Thank you. Thank you guys. Thank you Steve. 

Hope to see you soon. 


Yeah, we’ll see you down here. You gotta get down this weekend if you can.

Yeah, we'll be down here soon for sure. In a few days. Probably this weekend, actually.


The sun's out

Sun’s out. we're coming—

The Sun’s out and the Saturday market starts this Saturday. 

Oh, we’re definitely coming. We're going to get down. I want to catch that. I need some honey. 

Well, thanks so much Jason. 

Okay, thank you guys. 


Monica (39m 25s): 
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